Message from Aladdin



Kicking off your week with some thoughts around a favorite Disney quote (because in my world - Disney is life!).

original message date: 03/18/24

Happy Monday!

Early in my career – I was an Assistant Director of Housekeeping at the Hyatt Regency Denver.  We were set to go through a full rooms renovation – and I was put on the leadership team to co-project manage the undertaking.  I was probably 25, establishing myself, working what felt like a million hours with zero experience in a huge project like this (all while being the only female on the project that was full of inappropriate conversations and cat calls…but that’s a different story for a different day).

Challenging, exhausting, fun and fulfilling…I wasn’t sure I was going to survive it. 😀

I could have used these words from Aladdin back then:

The number of experiences and challenges in both my career and life in general are a-plenty, as I’m sure they are for you.

When we think we won’t get through them…somehow we do.

You know why?

Because we have grit.  We have tenacity.  We have resilience.

And we have awareness.

With awareness – you are onto your brain.  You hear the thoughts that aren’t helpful.  You know when to give them a hug and when to brush them away. 

You know what strengths you can leverage and where you have room for improvement.

You know that the bumps, bruises and obstacles are uncomfortable and frustrating.  You also know that they are part of the path that brings you to the future version of you.

You can get through anything you choose to.  With discomfort, with grace, with confidence, with pivots, with joy, with pain, with help….and by having your own back.

And pretty soon – you won’t be surprised by what you can get through – you getting through is just who you are.

What tough situations have you gotten through? How specifically do you get through those situations? Celebrate yourself!

Wishing you a wonderful week. You've got this!


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Angie Robinson