Message from Frigga



Kicking off your week with some thoughts around a favorite Disney quote (because in my world - Disney is life!).

original message date: 04/29/24

Happy Monday!

I just came off of three days facilitating some leadership goodness.  With this group of leaders, we did lots of self-awareness work coupled with strategies around problem-solving, active listening, optimizing time and risk-taking.

I find that it’s pretty common for leaders (especially those who are earlier in their leadership journey) to put quite a bit of energy into showing up the way they think they should based on other people’s expectations and what the "leadership experts" say.  In general, there is nothing wrong with this – as long as it is aligned with their goals and who they truly want to be as a leader.

This quote, which I love, speaks to this.  It's from Thor’s mom, Frigga, from the Marvel movie:  Avengers: Endgame (moms are so wise!):

Draw inspiration, accept mentorship/guidance and become the person that you want to be.  You might not know exactly who that is right now – but with awareness, reflection and continued experience – that will shape itself.

And when you make it yours – always true to yourself - you cannot lose.

So, along the way – keep checking in on your values, your thoughts and your future self.

It’s not about focusing on who you’re “supposed” to be.

It’s about being who you are.

How aligned is how you show up in your leadership (and life) with who you are?

Wishing you a wonderful week. You've got this!


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