Message from Thor



Kicking off your week with some thoughts around a favorite Disney quote (because in my world - Disney is life!).

original message date: 01/08/24

Happy Monday!

Here we are, heading into week two of 2024.  Are you still feeling the new year energy?   Or maybe you’re just getting into it!  If your world is anything like mine – the regular routine of busy schedules and long to-do lists are back in full force.  

It’s a good time for some gentle reminders like this one from Thor that he shared in Marvel’s 2022 release, “Thor: Love and Thunder”:

This week – the message is short and sweet.

Even when (or should I say *especially* when?) the external needs, pressures and voices surface (because they will likely always be there) – keep your eye on your own aspirations.  Continuously tap into the future version of yourself to make sure you’re aligned and becoming.

You not only choose your own path – you create it.

And – like Thor said – you can also live in the moment. Live in the moment while keeping the future in view.  It’s the present version of you that creates the future version of you.  So being aware of the experiences of now not only can ground you – it will impact how you grow.  Being aware of the in-the-moment thoughts will determine your current results and impact the future ones.

You have the power, superhero.

✨ Choose your path.  ✨ Be aware of the now.  ✨ Create your future.

Let’s go.

Take a few minutes to write down your chosen path for 2024. What current thoughts do you have about that path? Are there are any barrier thoughts in the way? How can you clean those up?

Wishing you a wonderful week. You've got this!


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Angie Robinson