Message from Kermit the Frog



Kicking off your week with some thoughts around a favorite Disney quote (because in my world - Disney is life!).

original message date: 02/26/24

Happy Monday!

There is so much that I love about the Muppets. Kermit has always been my favorite – and I think it’s because I resonate with his personality so much. He is a kind-hearted leader who genuinely cares about the experience of others. He doesn’t need to be in the limelight – yet inspires and captivates in a way that only he can.

If I were to guess what Insights® color energy he leads from – I would guess Earth Green*.

Fitting, right? 

In his song, “It’s Not Easy Being Green” – he says this:

No matter what Insights® color energy you lead with (what your personality style is) - here is something I know about people: we all have things about ourselves – whether it be our innate personality style, a behavior or two or an unhelpful belief – that we don’t like.

We are often our very own worst critic.

I know because I’ve worked with and coached so many leaders. I know because I’ve commiserated with people in my personal and professional circles. And I know because I am my very own example of this.

✨ It’s all about awareness.

How well do you understand what really makes you you….the strengths, the blind spots, the hiccups, the gifts?

✨ And perspective.

How else can you look at what you bring to the world? What do others see?

✨ And intention.

What can you leverage more and what can you work to change?

How can you embrace the thought that who you are right now is exactly who you are supposed to be right now?

I encourage you to listen to Kermit go through this transformation of thought in his - "It's Not Easy Being Green": (YouTube Link). 

Pretty inspiring, huh?

Repeat of the question above: How can you embrace the thought that who you right now is exactly who you are supposed to be right now?

Wishing you a wonderful week. You've got this!


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Angie Robinson