Message from Rapunzel



Kicking off your week with some thoughts around a favorite Disney quote (because in my world - Disney is life!).

original message date: 04/15/24

Happy Monday!

DWhen you take a good look at where you want to be (i.e. the work you’re doing, the place you’re living, the people you’re influencing, the way you’re showing up, etc.) and where you are now – you will likely see a gap.

Clearly – the gap needs to be filled for you to get ‘there’.

Enter: comfort.

Before I dive more into that – let me share this quote from Rapunzel (of Disney’s “Tangled” fame).   I’m sure you’ll see where I’m headed with this message.

Not all goals and aspirations are equal.

Some seem super attainable, your mix of motivation and desire is just right, you do the things and the get results.  *Done.*

Others seem a bit more out of reach.  The roadblocks look too big.  Your brain is full of reasons why it will never happen.  It’s too uncomfortable.

When we feel the discomfort – the easy thing is to hunker down and stay where you are.  Comfort is a good thing, right?


But what are you missing out on by staying comfortable?

The discomfort is there for a reason.  It’s telling you something.

It is worth your attention.

Maybe you’re not ready to take the big action to do the thing.  But at least do the work to understand why.  Give yourself the gift of exploring what the discomfort is telling you.  Reflect back on all of the ways you’ve pushed through discomfort before, revealing the evidence that you know how to do this.

I promise – there are ways to venture through your discomfort.

I echo what Rapunzel said: the rewards are worth it.

In what goal / aspiration are you feeling discomfort now? Answer these questions: what is at the root of that discomfort? If you ‘went for it’ anyway – what is the worst that could happen? In what ways could it be the best thing for you?

Wishing you a wonderful week. You've got this!


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Angie Robinson