Message from Luca



Kicking off your week with some thoughts around a favorite Disney quote (because in my world - Disney is life!).

original message date: 04/08/24

Happy Monday!

Do you ever pay attention to what that inner voice is saying to you?  Like really pay attention?  Sometimes that voice is super helpful – like a cheerleader at the ready.  

But sometimes, it’s not quite as kind – pointing out the flaws and creating reasons to stay small – all in the vein of trying to protect you from failure and disappointment. 

The key is to intentionally decide who really owns your actions and results - that voice or you?

In the 2021 Disney/Pixar film, Luca, the movie's namesake uses one of my favorite strategies to overcome the unhelpful voice (thanks to his friend, Alberto):

Giving that inner voice (I call it your ‘inner villain’) a name and personality can actually help.  It separates it from YOU.  This gives you more power and control.

In the movie, Alberto tells Luca to repeat “Silenzio Bruno!” – which means “Silence Bruno” - to quiet that inner voice (Bruno being the inner voice’s name).  This helped Luca to not only shut down his doubts in the singular situation of riding his homemade Vespa off a cliff (yikes!) – but also reframe his thoughts in his everyday life – elevating his own braveness and progress!

We all have our own version of Bruno (mine is “Cruella”).  It is a feature of the human brain!  

Rather than judge yourself and believe the unhelpful thoughts that your version of Bruno offers – just acknowledge it.  Thank if for trying to protect you.  

And then ask it to step aside (silenzio!).

After all - you’ve got big dreams to crush.

Take notice of your inner voice. Try giving it a name and asking it to be silent when it tries to take over!

Wishing you a wonderful week. You've got this!


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