My One Word for 2022


It’s time for a brand new year. Possibility. Fresh starts. Hope for change.

What is it about January 1st that makes most of us feel like we can conquer the world? 

I definitely subscribe to the belief that we don’t need to wait until January 1st…or Monday…or until we make more money (or insert any other thing) to start making changes in our lives.  But I also have no problem leveraging the “I can do anything” energy that comes this time of year - even if there is nothing magical about the stroke of midnight on January 1st.

However, I no longer set New Year’s resolutions.  There was a time long ago that I attempted.  But I wasn’t typically very successful. When I realized that sticking to them was a bit of a challenge – I softened the term to a New Year’s “INTENTION”.  It’s like I went from “I’m doing this no matter what!” to a “I’ll give it my best shot but no promises!”.  Both left me feeling like a failure if I didn’t actually follow through.

But there is something I do every year that always makes an impact.  I choose one word to focus on.  (You can read more about my why and how in my blogpost from January 2021 – The Power of Intention: Focusing on One Single Word)

It has become a practice that I have come to rely on.  For the word to really do its job – it does need to be approached as just that – a practice. 

Keeping it top of mind and activating it in everyday behaviors and decisions is where the magic lies. 

The way I do that is by participating in a year-long workshop led by Ali Edwards called One Little Word®.  As a participant – you are sent monthly creative prompts (starting in January and ending in December) that help keep focus and perspective on your word.  That guidance and monthly nudge makes a huge difference for me! 

Side Note:  Choosing a word for any experience is powerful!  For example – when you are setting a new goal – you can choose a word that represents what you need most to accomplish it or a word that reflects how you want to be when you reach it.  If you are leading a team – you could all choose a word together that represents what you want to focus on or how you want your clients to experience the work you do.  So many ways to leverage the magic of one word!

Looking Back on 2021

“Reflection is one of the most underused yet powerful tools for success.” - Richard Carlson

My word(s) for 2021 was Dare Greatly.  And it served me well!  I wanted to get comfortable with the uncomfortable.  I wanted to lean in and branch out.  I wanted to show up and be seen. 

And I did. 

When I would get nervous or hear my brain give me reasons to not do something – I would muster up courage by leaning into Dare Greatly.  Was I 100%?  No, of course not.  But did it help me break through some barriers?  For sure.  And I gave myself plenty of evidence that I can do what my brain would otherwise try to convince me I couldn’t.

It’s a word that I plan to carry with me into this next year.

My Word for 2022

As I was thinking about my word for 2022 – I kept returning to this thought that I wanted to build off of Dare Greatly.  Take it to the next level.  I’ve been debating between two words.  Both would likely get me to the same results – but with a different approach.

The word I have chosen for 2022 is:


As I was focusing on Dare Greatly – it brought to my attention many of the things that were getting in my way.  I know that if I’m really going to create the results I want in any area of my life – I need to spend time on the barriers.  Ignoring or resisting them doesn’t bring about sustainable change.  Getting real with them will. 

I want to release what gets in the way so I can create the freedom and space to really become (which happens to be the other word I was considering….maybe in 2023?).

I don’t yet know exactly what this will look like.  I image releasing things like:

  • Limiting beliefs

  • Misaligned expectations

  • Unhelpful habits

  • Fear

  • Physical clutter

  • The “shoulds”

The definition of RELEASE is: [verb] allow or enable to escape from confinement; set free

Simply reading the definition and saying the word out loud already causes a shift in me.

I can’t wait to see what unfolds as I focus on RELEASE in the coming year!


Past Words Tell a Story

Looking back on past words tells a story about your life.  I can look at each year’s word and recall why I chose the word, what impact it had and how it shaped things for the next year.  Even the two years where I didn’t choose a word is part of that story!  Reflecting back is a great way to see how far you’ve come.  It’s all worth celebrating.

Here is my word story:

2012:    Purpose

2013:    Balance

2014:    Gratitude

2015:    Space

2018:    Jump

2019:    Confidence

2020:    Elevate

2021:    Dare Greatly

Do you choose a word or phrase for the year?  Whether this is an annual practice for you or if you’re embarking on it for the first time – I’d love to hear about it! 

Drop a comment or send me a message and share with me - how did you choose your word and what do you hope it brings?  How do you plan to keep it alive? 

Be sure to follow me on Facebook and Instagram where I’ll share monthly progress on my word!  It might spark some action in you!

My coaching and facilitation services are impactful and meaningful ways to create transformation. When you’re ready — I’m here to partner with you. 

Additional Resources:



Nice to Meet You!

My name is Angie Robinson. I am a coach, facilitator and consultant. I have a passion for partnering with others, helping them to be their best selves. I am known for having balanced judgment, making big picture connections, and building relationships.




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